Requirements and conditions to get married in denmark

To be able to get married in Denmark, you need to make sure that you meet the requirements and conditions in the Danish Act on the Formation and Dissolution of Marriage (the Marriage Act). The requirements are preconditions that both Danish and international citizens must meet in order to get married in Denmark. Before you start gathering documents and initiate the application process, we suggest that you check whether or not you meet these requirements below. 


When you apply to get married in Denmark, you declare that all the information you provide is true, and that you understand that giving false information is a criminal and punishable offence. This means that even though the Agency of Family Law does not ask for documentation of one or more of the below requirements, you are still required to fulfil them. At any time during the application process, the Agency of Family Law might request you to document that you meet the requirements. 

Both are 18 years of age or older

In Denmark, you have to be at least 18 years old to get married. 

Both currently unmarried

You both have to be unmarried at the time you apply to get married in Denmark, as it is not legal to be married to more than one person at the time in Denmark. 


Can I get married in Denmark if I’m separated? 

No, you cannot get married in Denmark if you are separated. In Denmark, a separation is not a finalised divorce and you are therefore still married in a Danish legal context.


Can I get married in Denmark if I have previously been married?

Yes, you can. The former marriage has to be dissolved before the application to get married in Denmark is submitted. 


When you submit the application, you confirm under criminal liability that you are both unmarried. The Agency of Family Law might decide to request documentation in the form of a Certificate of Marital Status from both of you, confirming your current status as unmarried. 


Your are not marrying a close relative

Marriage between close relatives is not permitted in Denmark. 


if under guardianship - your Guardian must consent

If one or both of you are under guardianship, the guardian must consent to the marriage. 


Your Marriage must not be a pro forma marriage

Pro forma marriage is prohibited in Denmark and it is illegal to enter into a such.


It is therefore also illegal to get married in Denmark if the purpose of the marriage is to obtain the right of residence in Denmark, EU, Switzerland other countries within the European Economic Area.


If the Agency of Family Law suspects that the marriage is entered into for any other reason than love, they will ask you additional questions (more than they already do in the application) and might also invite you for an interview in Denmark.


You need to legally be able to enter and stay in denmark

To get married in Denmark, you must be able to enter and stay in Denmark legally. 


This means that at the time of submitting the application to get married in Denmark, you need to prove that you have the right to legally enter and stay in Denmark at the time of the wedding ceremony. It is not a requirement that you have entered Denmark to submit the application.


If you need a visa or residence permit to enter and stay legally in Denmark, you should therefore apply for this first. When you have received a visa or residence permit, then your application to get married in Denmark can be submitted. Your marriage has to take place within the validity period of the visa or residence permit. 


If you meet the above criteria, then you should have no problem getting married in Denmark. If you are in doubt whether or not to do the application process yourself, we recommend that you read the article ‘Why Use An Agency To Get Married In Denmark’. You might also benefit from the article ‘Required Documents To Get Married In Denmark’. Finally, if you already know you wish to have us assisting with your wedding in Denmark, you can select the services that fits your preferences the best.